Monthly Archives: December 2016

My Grant Proposal – Bri

For my grant I would want at least five thousand dollars. The reason why I’m asking for five thousand dollars at least is because I want to give the money to a rare disease called Mastocytosis for research. I think that the money should go to this because it is a very rare disease that mostly kids have, this disease is so rare that only one hundred kids have it. I think that this deserves the money because I know a little boy name Wyatt who is two years old and has Mastocytosis, even though he has been fighting this since he was born, this disease has made him a hero and an inspiration because even with this disease you can always see him with a smile and always living life with so much happiness. I think that kids who have this disease should be like Wyatt and be happy but also be healthy and with this money, kids can get the treatment that they deserve and hopefully end this disease. I hope that someday doctors can find a way to end this and many more diseases by finding cures. 

I think that it is important for everyone to know what Mastocytosis is and be educated by it and other rare diseases. That way we can do research and find cures that will end these diseases before more people get affected by it

“The Raven” Poem – Bri

I think that the poem “The Raven” is about a man named Edgar who lost something or someone special to him so he starts to drink and hallucinate and when he does the crow represents the missing part in his life. After his wife died he felt empty so when he saw the Raven he thought that his wife was watching over him. And that made him weak and weary. I also think that the drinking was his way to escape all of his feelings but it ended up making it worse for him. And when he says “Ah, distinctly I remember it was in the bleak December  And each separate dying ember wrought its ghost upon the floor.  

Eagerly I wished the morrow;—vainly I had sought to borrow  

From my books surcease of sorrow—sorrow for the lost Lenore,  

For the rare and radiant maiden whom the angels name Lenore:  

    Nameless here for evermore.” I think he was saying how he wanted to forget that December but couldn’t

Script outline

(About Mark Twain’s thoughts and perspective)
Mark twain named it the gilded age

The entire novel was completed between February and April 1873.

We are going to film a character (mark twain) that is a writer and is writing a book about the gilded age. Charles Dudley Warner, a writer and editor, was a neighbor and good friend of Mark Twain in Hartford, Connecticut. 

We would show mark twain and Warener writing the gilded age then in the background would be the voice/thoughts in their heads. We would also show pictures in between along with what he is talking about. Basically it’s going to be about what’s going through mark twains head while writing the gilded age book. We would act out the book plot/ reenact the stories that were in the book.

There are two stories that show one girl who is poor trying to succeed in the gilded age and the other story is with two men who are wealthy and try to succeed. 

Dream, Define, Discover (The Gilded Age)

The gilded age

Millions of European immigrants 

11.7 immigrants 

Immigrants were a big thing during this time, that’s why the population increased so much.

The rich became richer and the poor became poorer 

Immigrants were treated poorly 

Railroads, mines, and banks boomed 

North was industrial and South depended on slavery

The “ Gilded Age” was an era of massive economic growth 

During this time low wages, child labor, long hours and unsafe working conditions were the negative effects of industrialization 

Great businesses during this time were railroads, oil, and steel.
Andrew Carnegie – opportunity to work at the railroad, he’s was identified as on of the richest people or richest American ever 

John D Rockefeller – philanthropist, wealthy with oil industry, wealthiest man in modern America 

JP Morgan Chase – he owned a company that invested in stocks using other people’s money  

Samuel Slatter – stole technology to memorize the plans 
Mark twain named it the gilded age

The entire novel was completed between February and April 1873.

The Raven Analysis – Ava

I could think of many different meanings to Edgar Allen Poe’s “THE RAVEN” poem but I tried to think of a scenario’s that could explain why he said, “Ah, distinctly I remember it was in the bleak December; And each separate dying ember wrought its ghost upon the floor.” The raven maybe was the spirit of Lenore to come and watch over him. The wife maybe died suddenly and never got closure. He was so upset he drank until the point he was hallucinating and saw the raven as Lenore. 
Another idea of explaining this poem would be if the man killed Lenore. It was that very night he did and he was very paranoid. He might have had a drinking problem and maybe when he has to much he can become a little crazy. The raven could have been Lenore’s soul reincarnated to haunt him for what he did. Then he could be so paranoid about what he did to her he would eventually kill himself.

Grant Proposal Essay – Ava

 I would like to make a Grant proposal that would fund finding a cure for vitiligo, and to raise its awareness.I want to raise awareness because currently there is only one foundation in Florida, once a year for this Vitiligo convention, and I would like to have one in California as well. If we can keep starting foundations around the world we can get more people together. So my name is Ava Boyd and yes, I have the skin condition Vitiligo. 

 Vitiligo causes white patches to appear anywhere on the skin. This disorder affects all races and both sexes equally and can occur at any age. Melanocytes are the cells that give us our skin color, eye color and hair color and Vitiligo destroys that. So after they are destroyed the skin starts to have white patches on the body and even the hair color turns white. It is when white cells appear and they kill the red blood cells which are your natural skin cells and it turns them white, so it keeps growing and spreading.

 I would like to have a program in California for the people who have vitiligo to get together and raise awareness. We need the funding to find a cure that is safe for kids and not damaging to the body. 1 percent of the world’s population have vitiligo so maybe I could get enough funds to set up travel costs to have more programs in America. For the kids that can’t travel to Florida I can just come to them.

 If funded this grant I would try and start a foundation and conventions around my area to start. I would use it for travel costs so I can go outside of my area to come for the people that can’t travel as far for these conventions out of states. The money would also go towards doctors like a dermatologist to take a closer look at vitiligo and start finding a cure. If we have more funding, that means more work with be put towards vitiligo research. My dream would be to have a cure that is safe for kids, and that their skin goes back to natural skin color.

 Vitiligo doesn’t harm you in any way it just takes the color out of you. Growing up with vitiligo isn’t just like everyone els. Kids ask questions about it or they can be mean. The most common comment I head was “You look like a cow!” Sometimes I think what my life would have been like having normal skin like everyone els and actually looking like my ethnicity, but I think that it has made me into a mature human being. Kids and adults can feel depressed because they feel insecure about their vitiligo but if we have conventions people can meet other people just like them and can share their own personal stories to make them feel better.