Dream, Define, Discover (The Gilded Age)

The gilded age

Millions of European immigrants 

11.7 immigrants 

Immigrants were a big thing during this time, that’s why the population increased so much.

The rich became richer and the poor became poorer 

Immigrants were treated poorly 

Railroads, mines, and banks boomed 

North was industrial and South depended on slavery

The “ Gilded Age” was an era of massive economic growth 

During this time low wages, child labor, long hours and unsafe working conditions were the negative effects of industrialization 

Great businesses during this time were railroads, oil, and steel.
Andrew Carnegie – opportunity to work at the railroad, he’s was identified as on of the richest people or richest American ever 

John D Rockefeller – philanthropist, wealthy with oil industry, wealthiest man in modern America 

JP Morgan Chase – he owned a company that invested in stocks using other people’s money  

Samuel Slatter – stole technology to memorize the plans 
Mark twain named it the gilded age

The entire novel was completed between February and April 1873.

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