The Raven Analysis – Ava

I could think of many different meanings to Edgar Allen Poe’s “THE RAVEN” poem but I tried to think of a scenario’s that could explain why he said, “Ah, distinctly I remember it was in the bleak December; And each separate dying ember wrought its ghost upon the floor.” The raven maybe was the spirit of Lenore to come and watch over him. The wife maybe died suddenly and never got closure. He was so upset he drank until the point he was hallucinating and saw the raven as Lenore. 
Another idea of explaining this poem would be if the man killed Lenore. It was that very night he did and he was very paranoid. He might have had a drinking problem and maybe when he has to much he can become a little crazy. The raven could have been Lenore’s soul reincarnated to haunt him for what he did. Then he could be so paranoid about what he did to her he would eventually kill himself.

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