Monthly Archives: January 2017

50 Vocabulary Words List – Bri

1. Inevitable – something that will happen no matter what
2. Fatigue – lack of energy

3. Acquaintance – someone who you met but don’t know them too well

4. Terrestrial – referring to land 

5. Audible – distinct 

6. Genre – a form or style of art

7.  Disclaimer – a warning 

8. Diligent – hard working 

 9. Lethal – very dangerous

10.  Symmetry – even on both sides 

11.  Radiant – bright and luminous 

12. Literal – taking something seriously 

13. Disrupt – a distraction in an event 

14. Ponder – deep thinking 

15. Optimist – someone who tends to stay hopeful

16. Predatory – hunter 

17. Incidental – not intentional but happens anyways 

18. Comprehend – understand 

19. Preserve – to keep something over the years 

20. Humanitarian – concerned

 21. Excerpt – a small part in a book 

22. Descendant – something that comes from its ancestors 

23.Spectrum – rainbow 

24. Naive – someone who doesn’t have much experience of something and doesn’t know the bad to it.

25. Animated – jumpy

 26. Solitary – alone 

27.  Negligent – lazy 

28.  Humanitarian – helping people 

 29. Corrosion – eaten away

30.  Simultaneous – at the same time 

31.  Jubilant – joy

32.  Catastrophe – a sudden disaster 

 33. Turbulence – movement 

34.  Fabricate – to make 

35.  Sustainable – can handle something 

 36. Counterpart – identical 

37.  Malignant – wanting to harm others 

 38. Stature – height of something 

39.  Commotion – lots of noise going on 

40.  Enhance – to make something more clear 

41.  Coincide – to agree

42. Optimist – someone who is always positive

43.  Evolve – transforming into something better 

44.  Hamper – slowing down someone’s efforts 

45.  Ruthless – brave 

 46. Disintegrate – falls apart until very little is left  

 47. Therapeutic – healthy 

48. Maximize – large size 

49.  Vigor – to drive and to force

50.  Exodus – mass departure of people from one land to another 

“I Have A Dream” Speech/Essay – Bri 


Dog Fights

” I Have a Dream” that one day Dog Fighting or Abuse won’t be a thing anymore. That one day society will learn to love their pets instead of treating them like garbage. What did dogs ever do to deserve this? They are loyal and will love unconditionally. People signed up to get a dog not the other way around.
” I Have a Dream ” that one day Pit Bulls won’t be used as bait dogs in these fights and won’t need to be saved anymore, but instead will all go to great families who will give them the proper love and care they deserve. I believe that someday Pit Bulls won’t get a bad reputation for something that’s not always their fault.

” I Have a Dream” that one day I won’t have to hear about how someone decided to starve their dog or beat their dog up for no reason. My dream is to rescues dogs, give them a second chance at life, and to find the perfect home for each dog out there.

” I Have a Dream ” that someday society will decide to rise against this, and put any type of animal abuse to an end. Dogs don’t have a voice, that’s up to us as a community, to be their voice and to make sure that we stand up and speak out.

” I Have a Dream ” that society will realize that “monsters aren’t real, but humans are.” That they will realize that there are more options, if they don’t want to keep their dog, or feel like they can’t handle the responsibility to owning a dog or dogs, then they should give them to someone who will give them the love and care that every dog deserves.

” I Have a Dream” that any dog that has ever been abused will get the justice that they deserve, I believe that one day anyone who has ever been apart of abusing their dogs or not giving it the proper care, will get the punishment that is right depending on how severe the case was.

” I Have a Dream ” that dogs who have suffered these deadly fights will get the help they need and deserve. That they will get the medical care they need, instead of worrying about the price of it, there will be a program that all the money raised by organizations that help stop animal abuse, could go towards each dogs medical bill.

No matter how many times people turn on dogs, dogs still decide to show people unconditional love. Dogs are similar to God because no matter how many times people sin, God still loves all of us unconditionally. No matter how many times we turn on God and dogs they both choose to love. Romans 5:8 says “But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” This verse perfectly describes how dogs are like God.

Debate Writing – Bri 

James Madison in 1789 was the person who wrote the first amendment.The First Amendment was written because at America’s inception, citizens demanded a guarantee of their basic freedoms.

A dictatorship is a form of government where all of the power lays in the hands of a single person, or a very small group.  

“Dictatorship is a lion entirely controlling a pride.”

Here are some advantages to having a dictatorship type government.
1. No Red Tape
Laws, policies, and other political changes can happen almost instantly. This is because with only one person calling the shots, there is no one that they have to go through to get things passed and approved. Depending on the situation, this can be very beneficial.

2. Very Low Crime Rates
There are often very harsh and strict punishments for even the smallest of crimes in a dictatorship. The result is a exponentially lower crime rate than countries who do not operate underneath a dictatorship.

3. Quick Progression
Dictators often have a single, or few, major goals that they are trying to get accomplished. Since they are in complete control of everything from laws to the economy, they are able to move towards these goals very would be a stable government, no frequent elections or disruptions of peace due to political factions

I disagree with what my opponents have said, because no matter what people say whether it’s a good or bad thing, others are always going to have different opinions of what is being said. Also I think that majority rule is pointless because people should be allowed to govern themselves and should know the difference between right and wrong and adhere to that without being overruled by the “majority”. majority rule is not necessarily the fairest way to rule because such rule is only hinged on physical strength or the strength in numbers. Majority rule does not consider individual conscience or reasoning and the majority are reduced to subjects following their institution and leaders blindly.

1500 Word Story – Bri

My family and I were in the car on a dark, cold, winter night. There was snow covering the roads everywhere and not any light could be seen, but we wanted to go to our cousins house, so we kept on driving. We were driving through Bend, Oregon on an icy road, listening to some classic rock music. That was my dad’s favorite type of music. that’s what always played when we were on the road.
suddenly a big truck came out of nowhere and crashed into us. I felt us rolling and once we stopped everything went black. A couple hours later I woke up to the sound of an ambulance. I walked around looking for my family, I yelled for them and everything but they didn’t hear me then I saw the paramedics, they were putting my mother, father, and younger brother in there. When I saw the blood, cuts, and bruises on their face I thought that this was a bad dream or worse a nightmare, turns out that it wasn’t a bad dream or a nightmare it was something called reality.

I kept on closing my eyes and opening them again, just in case this was just a bad dream, I knew I was going to wake up any minute, Maybe I just needed to pinch myself so that way I will wake up in my bedroom and everything will be fine. At least that’s what I hoped, but nope, I was still stuck in the same situation. But then what I saw next shocked me the most it was me lying on the snow with paramedics seeing if I was ok but then they took my body away and put it in the ambulance.

I asked the paramedics what was happening but they kept walking as if I was a ghost.

Then a thought came to my mind and I said ” Am I Dead?”

No, I can’t be, this can’t be happening I said crying. What about my family? What if they die? Where would I live? I was to young to live on my own so I knew that, that couldn’t be an option then I vanished and found myself in the hospital. I saw the doctors surrounding my mom, dad, and little brother’s body. Doing anything and everything they could to save them but then slowly one by one I heard the sound that I never wanted to hear, all the monitors started to go flat. They were dead. How can I live now?

Then I saw my body being rolled into a room and the doctors were checking to see if I was still alive. I was…. But barely holding on, I didn’t know what to do should I stay? Or should I leave? That was one big question floating in my mind. If I stay I guess I could live with some of my friends but if I leave then I get to be with my family. A couple days later two of my closest friends visited me, my friend Emily and my friend Mia. I remember what they said to me, they told me to stay alive and to keep fighting and that’s what I wanted to do. So I decided to make a promise to myself and to them, even if they couldn’t hear me, to fight for my life no matter what I was going to keep fighting. I needed to be brave. I also wanted to finish high school that way I can go to college and know that I made my parents proud.

(One year later)
A lot has happened in the past year, but my life has been going pretty good since the accident, that happened a year ago. I’m glad that I decided to stay here on earth. Also I live with my best friend Mia and her family since we grew up together and our families knew each other pretty well.

Today I have a big volleyball tournament and I’m hoping that we do great and place first. I really wish that my family could be there to watch me play, but I know that they will be watching over me in spirit. I guess I will never understand why this happened to me out of all people, but maybe this was apart of God’s plan for me and this will make me a stronger person and appreciate those who have been there for me more. If I were to take anything back I would take back all of the arguing that my parents and I got into and for all the arguments me and my brother got into because they were pointless and I never showed how thankful I was to have them when they were here. I guess you really don’t know what you have until it’s gone. I will always wish that we didn’t go anywhere on that day because if we would have stayed home then I wouldn’t have lost everything.

Moral of this story is don’t take the people you love for granted because you never know how much time you have with them. After that incident I have switched the way I think, and have decided to always be thankful for everything and everyone that I have in my life because I know what it’s like to lose the ones you love. I took them for granted and I’m never going to take those I love for granted ever again. I’ve always heard the quote that your darkest hour will come before your dawn, but I never understood that quote until I lived a nightmare. Then I understood what it meant it, it meant that you have to go through your toughest battles in life before you realize that there is light at the end of the tunnel. Also did I mention that my story has been all over the news? Well, it was and everyone knew what had happen to me, but at least everyone was really nice and comforting to me. A lot of people did ask questions about it but I didn’t want to talk about it, and I think my classmates realized that so they stopped asking me and just tried to help me get through it. I’ll admit being at school was the hardest thing to go back to because when I came back I had a lot to keep up with but everyone at school was so nice and helped me. It didn’t take to long before I caught up and got all my grades back up.

Also I forgot to mention this, but the strangest thing happened to me. While I was deciding to stay here on earth. or go to heaven. I heard a voice that was talking to me, I don’t know who it was, maybe it was God? anyways the voice told me that if I wanted to stay on earth that I couldn’t stay human, I would get to be part angel, but the catch was once I was back on earth I couldn’t tell anyone about me being part angel. I was I going to keep that a secret! That’s crazy I got to be an angel now! Once I got back on earth my job was to help and heal people whether they were hurt emotionally or physically.

A Bible verse that I think relates to this story is Romans 8:18 which says ” The pain that you’ve been feeling, can’t compare to the joy that’s coming. I think that this Bible verse can relate to this story because even through your hardest times or darkest days there is always something that you can be thankful or happy about. Even in the negative there’s always going to be something positive that comes out of the negative.

In conclusion writing this short story has helped me realize a lot of things but some of them would be that I’m going to try to be more positive about things and I’m going to try to look at the bad things in my life and try to find what’s the good thing that has happened in all of the bad things that has happened in my life. I will admit I can relate to this story a lot because I have taken people in my life for granted and never told them how much they meant to me, or how much I truly appreciated them. Now in this new year I have thought about everything that has happened in my life. Whether it was good or bad, I’m thankful that it all happened, because all of the good and bad times in my life has shaped me to be the person I am today. Overall, I really enjoyed writing this story. Because it kind of opened my mind more as I was thinking and writing.

“The History of” 100 Word Intro – Ava

The history of Shih Tzues 
          I decided I was doing my “history of project” on Shih Tzues. I picked that topic because I actually have that type of dog. Last year in 7th grade I learned that Shih Tzues originated from Tibet but were Chinese emperor dogs. They can also be known by the names, the Chinese Lion Dog or Chrysanthemum Dog. They come in many coats and their fur is almost like hair so you can do many hair cuts and designs. They can weigh 10-19 and their life span is 10-20. I am excited to learn more about my dog’s breed and turn in this project on my birthday complete. 

Debate Written – Ava

Amendment 1 is freedom of speech and religion 
 dictatorship is a form of government in which a person or a small group rules with almost unlimited power. We should have a dictator in America because people are negligent and don’t want to vote so it will just be easier to have one.
The power of a dictator over the country is like the power a principle has over the school. If you don’t like dictators then do you think our principle should have less power? 

Freedom of speech and majority rule can be good and bad but I’m here to talk about the bad reasons. 
Donald trump says a lot of offensive things that offend people, but in America the 1st amendment is freedom of speech so he has the right to express his feelings and say anything he wants. You can’t say “he can’t say that to us!” But he can, he is entitled to his opinion. If you don’t like that then maybe you should go live in a dictatorship country.
Freedom of speech can be bad, for example Madonna made a comment at the women’s march saying she wanted to blow up the White House. That was misuse of freedom of speech and was promoting a violent act towards a US land mark which was a deceitful humanitarian act. Freedom of speech, which allows for the right to protest, starts with good intentions but always involves chaos and ends in a catastrophe. Its a compilation of innocent people always getting hurt and vandalism which causes suffering to the city.

In a dictatorship you would probably get killed for a statement like that because it’s very wrong to say. Then again she is a celebrity so she can get away with stuff.

“I Have a Dream Speech” Essay – Ava

                                                                                      “Democracy Changes”
           My name is Ava Izabelle Boyd and “I have a dream” that some day our government could cultivate a system to end homelessness, hunger, and all those who live in poverty. It would be a system that allows the distribution of land for legal citizens and in order to provide jobs for all, Americans can have more jobs in America by not receiving goods from other countries. If everyone has a job then people will have money for food. Government given land and companies owned and operated in the U.S.A are necessary changes America has to make. 

          To start, homelessness should not exist in America or anywhere else. Our government should allow the distribution of land for legal citizens so everyone would have somewhere to live. When a person has come to the age of 18 or the person simply just does not have a home then the government would judge them based on their needs and give them a house to live in. I’m not saying America should have a communist based country, but there needs to be some changes in our democracy. Once the person/citizen is stable, and has their own job, they can move out if they want to. For example, America chooses not to talk about what happened with Hawaii but they deserve better. Hawaiians have to be on a waiting list to get the land that was rightfully theirs to begin with; now there is only 1% of Hawaiians that live in Hawaii. 

           Secondly, why is America getting stuff from foreign lands? America should be making our own products. America seems lazy as a sloth. People are in poverty and need jobs and this can solve a real world problem! People can tell a lot of items in stores for example says “made in China” well America has to pay for that and it is part of our national debt problem. If one buy’s in American, the money stays in the country and supports citizens of US. If American’s produce our own products then more job opportunities appear for people in need.

           Furthermore, with all the job openings everyone can get back on their feet and start a better life for themselves. For families in need, the kids can go to food-for-education programs while their parents save the money they earn and can then finally be stable. A quote by Nelson Mandela. – “As long as poverty, injustice, and gross inequality persist in our world, none of us can truly rest.” 

           To conclude, real world problems can be solved. Homelessness wouldn’t be a big issue because the government would give them a home for free. People wouldn’t be in poverty because more products would be made by Americans. Having a home and more jobs for people in need would hardly lead to the starvation issues families have. People will have more money. It will narrow the gab between the “upper class”, the “middle class”, and the “lower class”. If everybody has land and an equal opportunity everyone has a fair chance to have a a house, a job, and America will be a strong country.