Debate Written – Ava

Amendment 1 is freedom of speech and religion 
 dictatorship is a form of government in which a person or a small group rules with almost unlimited power. We should have a dictator in America because people are negligent and don’t want to vote so it will just be easier to have one.
The power of a dictator over the country is like the power a principle has over the school. If you don’t like dictators then do you think our principle should have less power? 

Freedom of speech and majority rule can be good and bad but I’m here to talk about the bad reasons. 
Donald trump says a lot of offensive things that offend people, but in America the 1st amendment is freedom of speech so he has the right to express his feelings and say anything he wants. You can’t say “he can’t say that to us!” But he can, he is entitled to his opinion. If you don’t like that then maybe you should go live in a dictatorship country.
Freedom of speech can be bad, for example Madonna made a comment at the women’s march saying she wanted to blow up the White House. That was misuse of freedom of speech and was promoting a violent act towards a US land mark which was a deceitful humanitarian act. Freedom of speech, which allows for the right to protest, starts with good intentions but always involves chaos and ends in a catastrophe. Its a compilation of innocent people always getting hurt and vandalism which causes suffering to the city.

In a dictatorship you would probably get killed for a statement like that because it’s very wrong to say. Then again she is a celebrity so she can get away with stuff.

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